Your grandfather did in fact fly on D-Day as part of the American Airborne Invasion, though he was not on board our airplane. The invasion itself was broken up into what are called “serials” each serial contained upwards of 30 airplanes, and were arranged in sequential order, as indicated by their numbers, That’s All, Brother was to lead these serials collectively to France. Our airplane, the lead ship, flew at the head of serial 07, your grandfather flew in the airplane which led serial number 23, which means that while he was not on the lead aircraft of the invasion, he was certainly on board the airplane which led his own serial, which was flown by pilot Lt. Col. Quinn M. Corley. I know that family legends some times grow up around these things, and that there is some chance that his unit members thought it might be useful for him to be spotting fixtures on the ground, but in reality, he was on board the aircraft as a radio operator which means that over Normandy he would have been very busy, in a small area behind the pilots, and would have been relatively unable to “look out” of the airplane. Much of the equipment he was operating was designed to get the paratroopers in the right place, and it was incredibly important. During the chaos of battle, much of it was malfunctioning, so your grandfather would have been having one heck of a time with the equipment, knowing that lives were on the line if he couldnt get it to work correctly. Incase you are curious, serial 23 is made up of aircraft from the 313th Troop Carrier Group, and your grandfather’s specific squadron was the 29th Troop Carrier Squadron. You can spot aircraft from his squadron easily because they were painted with a large 5X on the side of their noses. This is the informational break down for your grandfather’s plane, note that it also indicates which “chalk” he was carrying, these men came from the 3rd Bn / 508th PIR which was part of the 82nd Airborne Division.
Chalk #37 C-47 #43-15323 17 Paratroopers P L/Col Corely, Quinn M. CP 1/Lt Gehrett, Rodney T. N 2/Lt Ehmke, Theodore A. RO Pfc Boucher, Fernand E. CC Sgt Speed, Clarence t.
Sadly, the airplane your grandfather flew in, 43-15323 did not survive the war, and it was damaged on takeoff at an advanced field in Germany, at least one crew member was killed during this accident.
In case you are interested, here is a history recalling the journey of one of the paratroopers who was dropped by your grandfather’s aircraft. I thought it was worth a read! It even shows some of his family going back and finding evidence of his personal battle. I am sorry that our airplane was not the one you were looking for, and sorry that I cant refer you to a museum where you could go and see it – but if you add us on facebook (commemorative air force) you can certainly keep up on the work being done on the airplane. We will be recreating that radio compartment and all of its complex equipment with the hope of getting it operational again, someday perhaps you could come see the airplane, and send a message in the same way your grandfather was trained to do! The project will likely take about two years, but as with anything, it will be well worth the wait! Please let me know if you have any more questions I might be able to help answer.
Hi! How can we help you today with your Nokia phone or accessory?
repair status check
10:42 AM
Nokia mobile care
10:43 AM
Nokia mobile care
Welcome to Nokia Mobile Care! My name is Joe and I will be happy to help you!
Can you please rephrase your other question?
Hi Joe. I was hoping to check on the status of repair order 1554208—–
i’ve been without a phone for over a week now, just curious how long i should be expecting
10:48 AM
Nokia mobile care
I would like to find a solution for you. Could you please give me a few minutes to review something?
sure, thanks
10:49 AM
Nokia mobile care
Could you please tell me in which country the phone was bought, and where you’re currently located?
United States for both
repair order is at HMD in Texas
10:55 AM
Nokia mobile care
Track your repair order:
You can track your repair by using our online tool. Click here visit the page
it says 404, p[age not found
or maybe it means my phone isn’t found?
i’m not sure. i just need a phone soon
11:05 AM
Nokia mobile care
Please send an email to
what is the normal turnaround time?
my wife’s 7.1 had the same ussue back in january, her phone was returns the second day after it was received
11:09 AM
Nokia mobile care
Sorry to hear that
I wish you the best with your phone
so, there’s no way you can check the status of my repair order?
11:10 AM
Nokia mobile care
But please you need to send your inquiry with the Email
I’m sending my inquiry in this chat
what difference would it be to send an email?
11:11 AM
Nokia mobile care
Ok Danial dont worry
Just give me sometime
Nokia mobile care
Actually you can help me a bit. Could you please tell me your IMEI number? You can find it dialing *#06# and 15 digits will appear on the screen. That’s the number I’d like to know.
Are you still on the line? In case I don’t receive a response from you in a minute or two, the system will end our chat.
No need to worry! Once you are back online, you can just message me and we will continue our conversation!
Nokia mobile care
Hi I could see that you have marked your previous interaction as unresolved, how can I help you to resolve it?
i need to know where my phone is and when I can expect it back
11:40 AM
Nokia mobile care
Could you please tell me your IMEI number? You can find it dialing *#06# and 15 digits will appear on the screen. That’s the number I’d like to know.
11:41 AM
Nokia mobile care
ok Daniel, thank you for the information provided
did you know you can track your device status using the repair order tool?
Joe gave me a link to the repair order tool, and it was a 404 page not found
11:43 AM
Nokia mobile care
lets try it again
can you use this one?
then on your very up corner to the right you will see track repair
they will ask your repair order number and your IMEI number
did you find it?
it hasn’t been updated since last thursday
that’s what i’m trying to figure out
has it been looked at et?
11:45 AM
Nokia mobile care
yeah today is Tuesday just three day
it’s normal
can they just replace the phone? I’ve been without a phone for over a week now
11:46 AM
Nokia mobile care
it can take up to three weeks
i can’t be without my phone for 3 weeks
11:46 AM
Nokia mobile care
Daniel, they will do what they think will be the best for you
Don’t you think that you are overthinking?
11:47 AM
Nokia mobile care
it can get three weeks, but it can not get all that long
are you for real?
11:47 AM
Nokia mobile care
I understand that to stay without phone can be frustrating
Yes I am for real
thanks for being so polite to ask
i have had the phone for less than 6 months
warranty reapirs for a product design flaw should not take up tio 3 weeks
i would have done it myself
and the “are you for real” was because you asked “don’t you think that you are overthinking?”
that’s INCREDIBLY rude
11:49 AM
Nokia mobile care
No, I am sorry if you took that that way
that’s because you are mad about your device then you are reading everything in a bad way
i don’t need your therepy, i need to know how long my phonwe will take
11:51 AM
Nokia mobile care
Ok Daniel
Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
yes, I need to know how long my phone will take for repair
11:51 AM
Nokia mobile care
as said before can take up to three weeks
and some cases can take even more
i need to know how to escalate that
because up to 3 weeks is unaacaptable
11:52 AM
Nokia mobile care
yeah ok
that’s my phone, i run my business off of it
11:52 AM
Nokia mobile care
I will register you feedback
Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
your name?
11:52 AM
Nokia mobile care
My name is Fernanda
Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
How do I reach your supervisor?
11:54 AM
Nokia mobile care
we do not have any available at this moment
I’ll wait
11:55 AM
Nokia mobile care
but note that all our chat is registeres in our system
and she has access to it in a daily basis
well, when she sees this, I excpect an email with an apology for the way you treated my concern
11:55 AM
Nokia mobile care
do you need my apology?
not yours. i couldn’t care less about you. i need your supervisor to make this right
11:56 AM
Nokia mobile care
thank you so much
as it stands, I will never again buy an HMD/Nokia device, and the folks who take my advice about phones will also not
11:57 AM
Nokia mobile care
I am sorry you feel that way
are you?
i’m not sure you are
11:58 AM
Nokia mobile care
only because you need to wait to get your device back from the repair center
Yes I really do
you are beeing mad and rude and saying a lot of things here abour your insatisfaction
i only started being mad and rude when you told me I was overthinking
11:58 AM
Nokia mobile care
and at any moment you though that I am dfoing my best helping you with all the questions you ghad
before that, i was just trying to figure out where my phone is
11:59 AM
Nokia mobile care
I am really doing everything to try to change your mood
and maybe make you understand that there are several factors that can affect this
Ok Daniel
I am a bad girl I made you mad, and I am really sorry aboutr that
yeah, maybe you could have done that prior to minimizing my concerns about the wait time of “up to 3 wseeks”, which was never mentioned anywhere in my repair order documentation
30 minutes ago
Nokia mobile care
I said to you you can get back and recheck
I said it can take it, but it cannot
what does that even mean?
29 minutes ago
Nokia mobile care
I know you would like to hear that your device will get back to you tomorrow
but that would be me lying and being irresponsible
mean that it can take longer but it cannot
do you mean it can take that long but it MIGHT not? is that what you’re trying to say/
28 minutes ago
Nokia mobile care
it will depend on several factors, as do the repair center has the parts to replace immediately?
how many people has their devices there before yours arrive
that is what that measn
so, imagine in a world of good customer service, where you as the CSR wiould reach out the the repair shop and get a little biot of information on my repair request, since I cannot do that m,yself
it could take 1 day, it could take 21. maybe a good customer service rep would find out if there’s a big bac up so they could manage the customer expectations
because 3 weeks, I’m going to buy a different phone and try to sell this one when it comes back 3 weeks from now
but if it’s coming this week, I’ll shut up and deal with it
either way, I can promise the next phone will NOT be Nokia/HMD
25 minutes ago
Nokia mobile care
I understand
that would be indeed an amazing scenario
but even me who gets award and recognition for February and March for the excellency service provided to the customers, have some limitations.
but I am taking your advise onboard
will forward it to my supervisor together with our chat today
wow, if you get an award for this level of service, the rest of your office must suck really bad
23 minutes ago
Nokia mobile care
and I hope that in the future we can have the features to get in touch with reapir centers and even to send brand new devices to every customers who sends their devices to repair
I understand your point
and as you do not have any more question I am then closing this chat
Thanks for contacting Nokia Mobile Care. Have a great rest of your day
At the end of the chat you will receive an opportunity to rate me on our current conversation. I would appreciate your time and if you feel comfortable with my assistance, you can select with five stars.
It will help to improve my service skills everyday! Before that, is there anything else I could do for you?
I would love it if you would take a few minutes to send us your feedback! At the end of this chat, you will receive an opportunity to rate me on our current conversation. Being 5 stars for completely satisfied and 1 star being completely dissatisfied.
If your case hasn’t been resolved yet, and you receive the invitation to the survey, please let us know how we can be of more help to you. Thank you
New Messages
N17 minutes ago
Nokia mobile care
I noticed that you indicated that your problem was not resolved. Can I help you with anything else please?
7. Prodigy:
At the age of 2.5 years old I was capable of reading newspapers, books, write complex sentences, do algebra, and
play any complex musical tunes on any instrument. At the age of 7, I flew my first rocket based on self-initiated
research and self-induced simplifications and a minute amount help from Dad.
8. Gifted:
I learn complex information very fast with an application range beyond its extended field and contemplation and I
am also capable of putting this newly gained and instantaneously further developed know-how into use with
extreme professionalism.
9. Tolerance:
I have extremely deep patience and tolerance in the sense of working with biased and stubborn people. I am
persistently gentle, calm, and friendly at all times. I enjoy being nice truly and solve problems through peaceful and
friendly approach.
10. Theories and their projections:
I developed unifying and amalgamated theories to combine many layers of scopes of synergetic branches; in quantum, nuclear,
atomic, chemical, and molecular physics, metamaterials, nanoengineering, quartz, grain and materials engineering, astrophysics
and theoretically discovered very many universes interrelated workings, such as; dark matter and stretched energy environments
in parallel universes, hyperspace and space-time energy flow in differentiating energy field levels and their continuous
conversions in folded dimensions. These insightful theories enabled me to project and derive requirements for theoretical
futuristic devices and instrumentations, such as; wormhole projectors and extenders, energy extending generators,
gravitational/anti-gravitational or thrust force generators, force field accumulators, complex and differentiating invisibility
molecules, inertial gravitational dampening fields related to tractor beam generation, atom thin and super precise cutting tools.
I have a Huawei Honor 8. It’s a great phone, but has a few annoyances. One of my biggest annoyances is that when I plug my phone into my charging dock (connected to my computer) I see this:
It’s incredibly annoying, as my phone comes in and out of the charge cradle probably 20 times a day. It also happens when I plug my phone into my car to charge it
I finally took a few minutes to search through the settings to see if I could disable it, and I found it!
Make sure ‘Always prompt when connecting to USB’ is unchecked in Developer Options.
I’ve been a Joomla guy for quite some time, it just seemed to make the most intuitive sense to me. Recently, I was looking into building a plugin module on top of a CMS for work (I don’t really want to get involved in building my own security layer for multiple users) and a friend suggested I look at WordPress. I initially laughed it off, but I did end up giving it a look.
Holy Lord
This has come a long way since I last looked at it probably close to 10 years ago (my account has a demo page with content from 9 years ago)
Not only is it fairly easy to create custom content types, all of the user/social features are on point, the theming is very nice (and simple to edit), and it’s nearly effortless to setup a site quickly. The site you’re looking at now is a culmination of about 3 hours of work.
Long story short, if you haven’t looked at WP lately, give it another look now. You’ll be surprised and delighted, i guarantee it.
So, you’ve got a shiny new arduino or cc3200 or atmel wifi board and now you’re wondering how to get your sensor data into the cloud using an HTTP POST packet?
You’re going to need 3 string buffers, One to hold your Sensor data (in POST format), one to hold the length of that buffer (in ASCII), and an arbitrarily large buffer to hold the entire outgoing HTTP packet. we’ll initialize them as follows:
unsigned char seBuffer[512]; //Holds the full POST packet
unsigned char sBuffer[384]; //Holds out Sensor data in POST format
unsigned char sBufferLen[8]; //Holds the Sizeof sBuffer
Why did I use those buffer names? no idea. I just did. Call them whatever you want.
Now that we have our buffers, we need to get our sensor data into them. For that, we’ll use sprintf(), which does more or less the same thing the printf() does, but points the output to a string buffer. The first buffer we’ll fill holds our sensor data: